Email marketing stats can help you understand the success of your past campaigns, as well as plan for the future. So, which facts should you know when planning your emails?
In this episode of The Email Minute, Shane shares some need-to-know stats for your next email campaign.
How well could you do a game of email trivia? In this video, you’ll find out.
Hi, I’m Shane Phair, Chief Marketing Officer here at Campaign Monitor, and this is The Email Minute.
Today we’ll discuss important email marketing stats you can use to improve your next campaign.
For instance, did you know email is 40x more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter?
Consider how you can use a combination of marketing channels, instead of just focusing on social. Because, well, email’s proven to work.
For example, do you know how many email accounts are predicted for this year?
That’s a huge audience you can easily target by growing your email list. Email’s popularity isn’t slowing down any time soon.
In fact, 58% of Gen Z check their email multiple times a day, and 73% of millennials prefer business communication via email.
Proving that email isn’t just effective: It’s still popular, too.
What other email stats do you know? Tell me through a tweet @ShanePhair, or post a comment on our blog.