The Ultimate List of Video Marketing Statistics For 2020

The Ultimate List of Video Marketing Statistics For 2020


Are you wondering if you should invest in video marketing? Is your target audience interested in consuming video content? Will it be worth your resources?

In short, yes.

Video marketing continues to not only grow in popularity amongst marketers, but more and more consumers demand video experiences in communications delivered to their inboxes or newsfeeds.

When used correctly, video marketing promotes your product or service, educates your customers, entertains an extended network, and helps you tap into new audiences.

You can utilize video to delight your customers and inform their purchase decisions and you can also use it to train and onboard new employees.

Read on to discover the top video marketing statistics for 2020 that’ll guide your digital strategy for the upcoming year. You’ll not only learn top video marketing stats, but also what digital channels you need to focus your resources on, like email and social media.

Build your marketing arsenal with video marketing

Before we take a look at the stats, it’s important to understand how video marketing can help grow your brand, build a cult following, and increase your sales conversions.

Video marketing has evolved from being an entertainment medium to actually transforming the way consumers shop.

In fact, 90% of customers say that video helps them make purchase decisions and are more likely to buy a product after watching a video.

What does this mean for your company? You have the ability to use video throughout the buyer’s journey, not just to build brand awareness and increase engagement.

With video marketing, you can retarget website visitors or social media followers, re-engage cold leads, and onboard new clients.

The options are truly endless in what you can develop to provide your customers with a more personalized and dynamic experience.

Whatever the size of your business, video is a viable marketing strategy to embrace. However, before you pick up a camera, here are a few video suggestions to consider:

Our Campaign Monitor 101 video series breaks down email so you don’t have to go it alone.

With so many creative routes you can take, you want to really consider who your audience is and what they’ll relate to.

If you’re targeting C-suite executives, the format and tone will be different than a video targeting millennials.

To start, brainstorm the purpose of your video and what outcomes you hope it’ll achieve to help guide the conversation and storyboard.

Develop a video marketing strategy for your digital channels

Video is hot, but how can you get your customers to actually watch your content? While posting it on your website has its own set of benefits, you’ll want to consider distributing your videos on multiple digital channels for maximum impact.

For many brands, a cross-promotional strategy works well because it gives you the ability to display your videos across landing pages, social newsfeeds, digital ads, email newsletters, and more.

Let’s take a look at two important digital marketing channels—email marketing and social media—and how video helps boost your engagement, brand awareness, and sales conversions within them.

Email marketing

Including videos in your email marketing strategy can lead to big results. They’re engaging and a great way to stand out in a crowded inbox when customers are receiving 120+ emails a day. Videos have the potential to:

Source: Really Good Emails

Spark utilizes video in their email marketing strategy flawlessly. The company provides titles so you understand what to expect when you press play, along with additional features and benefits underneath if the reader is unable to watch the video.

The video itself is brief, highlights ease of use, and allows the subscriber to envision themselves utilizing the technology in their day-to-day life.

Social media

While you can use video marketing on most digital channels, it’s become a critical part of every social media platform.

Facebook continues to be the top video marketing platform and where many marketers plan to invest.

However, YouTube and Instagram continue to make headway. With the rise of “live” and stories, different video formats on social media will continue to become more common in 2020.

If you need inspiration for your next video social media campaign, look no further than this example from Glossier. We love this video because this mother-daughter duo display two different age demographics, so they’re able to tap into multiple audiences.

It’s also user-generated content, which has proven to be highly effective in increasing engagement. Word-of-mouth recommendations help move customers faster through the buyer’s journey because it’s considered more trustworthy and credible.

Video marketing statistics for 2020

Now, let’s dive into the latest video marketing statistics for 2020. We’ve drilled down the most up-to-date data so you can keep your video marketing strategy on point moving into 2020 and stay ahead of trends.

Video marketing ROI

Let’s be honest, your marketing strategy all boils down to the return on investment (ROI) it produces for your brand. Video marketing has the potential to earn new customers and increase your bottom line by engaging a larger audience.

Video marketing audiences

Is video marketing right for your target audience? Research shows that video marketing is widespread across all demographics and verticals that suggest a majority of people are consuming it. The truth is that more and more consumers are watching video content than ever before.

Mobile video marketing

Smartphones are an integrated part of our daily lives, so it should come as no surprise that brands are now paying attention to mobile video marketing. The future is certainly mobile-dominated and, with video marketing, you have the ability to keep up with your customers.

Video marketing 2020 trends

Video will continue to become more important in 2020 for digital marketers to embrace. It’s estimated that people will spend more time daily watching videos in upcoming years, and 83% of marketers will begin to implement video into their digital marketing strategy.

Source: Smart Insights

What should you look out for in 2020? Consider these top video trends for the upcoming year:

Wrap up

Moving towards 2020, video marketing is a strategy you can no longer ignore. Whether you’re “going live” or developing expert interviews, videos help your customers see a different side of your brand through an engaging, visual lens. Check out these final video marketing statistics for 2020:

Ready to start combining your video marketing efforts with email design? Increase your customer engagement and build customer loyalty with Campaign Monitor’s email marketing platform. Sign up for free today.

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