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Any smart marketer understands the need to engage with their audience and generate leads.  

This is definitely a lengthy process, and it requires targeted campaigns built with data, analytics, and research.

One way to turn leads into conversions is through lead nurturing. This is an essential tactic for marketers, and it’s one of the most successful tactics for securing new audiences.

In fact, for 69% of marketers, generating leads is their number one marketing goal.

Lead nurture campaigns raise brand awareness. They educate potential consumers about a brand, its products, and its services. The point of a lead nurture campaign is to establish trust and convince consumers to choose one brand over another.

The best way for marketers to attract leads, drive traffic, and secure conversions is through targeted lead nurturing campaigns in the form of email.

What does lead nurturing mean?

Lead nurturing is the process of establishing relationships between brands and consumers. These consumers include individuals for B2C brands as well as professional organizations and businesses for B2B brands.

This relationship building occurs at every stage of the sales funnel, taking users on a journey from the first time they make an inquiry to when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Securing these leads and establishing these positive relationships is imperative for brand success.

If users don’t feel as though a brand is investing in them, they’ll look elsewhere. These users need to be “nurtured” if brands want them to give them their business.

Email is a great place to start.

What is a lead nurturing email campaign?

A lead nurturing email campaign is an automated, personalized, email campaign that marketers use to take users on a journey that may impact their buying behavior.

These campaigns are automated, meaning they’re created using email automation technology that sends scheduled blasts to potential leads based on their brand interactions.

But the beauty of lead nurture email campaigns is their customized nature, built using data, analytics, and user behavior research. This information allows marketers to create personalized campaigns that are targeted and engaging, encouraging high-quality leads that take the next step through the sales funnel.

What is Lead Nurturing?

Source: Really Good Emails

Lead nurture email campaigns are targeted, customized, and valuable. They offer recipients actionable insights that drive action.

And emails are an exceptional way to reach these consumers, turning them into conversions that drive brand growth and success.

In fact, 55% of marketers say email initiatives drive the highest ROI.

Does it really matter?

Marketers should prioritize lead nurturing when it comes to their inbound marketing tactics. These initiatives drive brand awareness and establish trust, which is essential when it comes to consumer buying behaviors.

For 70% of marketers, driving awareness is more important than direct sales because of the impact it has on consumers overall.

Consumers are more likely to choose one brand over another because of brand identity. The more trust a consumer has in a brand, the more likely they’ll be to complete a transaction.

What now?

Lead nurture campaigns are a successful way for marketers and brands to make an impact on their audience, build trust, and establish a symbiotic relationship that drives sales.

When brands invest in these organic, inbound lead nurturing initiatives, they’re more likely to build a loyal audience. And the more loyal an audience is, the more potential for growth opportunities a brand has going forward.

Learn how to turn subscribers into customers with email nurturing.

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