Hard truth: Email clients don’t always render image content when a user first loads your email. Reasons vary (platform, user preferences, data speeds), but assume a double digit percentage first view of your email is with the images missing. This is why we need an informed email design process; the building blocks supply you with relevant alt text values that maintain context against partial views.
Sustaining a successful newsletter requires maintaining a delicate balance between adding and extracting value. Adding value is a deliberate exercise that requires significant pre-planning. When you arrange your email assets in coordination with the headline, offer positioning, and CTA, you should also spell out what you intend for your images to convey in text. It’s a great time to ask yourself: “Does the image I’m using say what I want it to?”
If the image choice supplements how you intend to add or extract value, your conversion rates are likely to benefit. If the image doesn’t show up at all, anyone can still read what you intended to convey. While an image-less email might not land as you intended, a little alt text and preplanning still maximizes opportunity for engagement.