To many people, email tends to be an afterthought. Companies invest big dollars in lots of ad campaigns and paid media channels, but give only a small amount of their budget to email marketing.
With huge revenue results and ROI coming from email marketing, it’s time for the pendulum to switch sides in its favor. In this episode of The Email Minute, Shane talks about why email is a big deal, and why it should be given more focus.
Transcript: Email is a Big Deal
Too many marketers treat email like a paltry portion of their digital channels, and often view it as an afterthought to their big paid media campaigns.
But the fact is: Email is a big deal.
I’m Shane Phair, Senior VP of Marketing at Campaign Monitor and this is The Email Minute.
See, when done right, email can scale that warm, fuzzy, one-to-one feeling that you just can’t get from an ad or Facebook post. And it’s that warm, fuzzy feeling that translates into more impact for your message and more dollars for your revenue. When it comes down to it, email delivers in the ROI department.
Year after year, email is reported to have more than double the return on investment than any other digital channel. Now, I know what you’re asking: if email’s such a performer, why are so many marketers still getting subpar results?
Well, since email is so approachable—it’s inexpensive and easy to build and send—it’s often an afterthought.
In fact, 39% of marketers say they never personalize their emails. 63% of marketers say less than half their emails are segmented. And 51% of marketers haven’t even started automating their emails yet.
Does that ring any bells? Time to give email marketing more of your focus. Your revenue depends on it.